We are pleased to provide FMF-certified examiners with PRC3.0, just 2 years after
the publication of the PRC2.0 program to calculate the risk of first-trimester
chromosomal defects, taking into account sonographic and biochemical markers.
PRC3.0 offers an improved risk calculation module and better functionality than
the previous version.
Please note:
Only registered and certified members of FMF-Deutschland can download the
program. Please have your registration number and the corresponding PID
ready to register for the download.
The program itself can only be used for the risk calculation with a valid licence
Please strictly observe all the notes enclosed with the down load before
attempting any program update or carrying out the initial installation.
In case you have any questions, please send an email to the audit department
of FMF-Deutschland: audit@fmf-deutschland.info
We wish you lots of success with the new PRC 3.0 risk calculation program of
FMF-Deutschland and continue to look forward to your constructive feedback.