Only registered and certified members of FMF-Deutschland can download the
program. Please have your registration number and the corresponding PID
ready to register for the download.
The program itself can only be used for the risk calculation with a valid licence
Test version for research purposes only:
Interested parties who would like to download the PRC 3.0 program can
obtain a licence key for test purposes that is only valid for a short time.
To obtain the key, please proceed as described below:
The audit department will then send you an email with a registration number,
a PID and a licence key that is valid for 2 months.
You will need the registration number and the PID to download the program
from the website of FMF-Deutschland and the licence key to activate the
program after you have installed it.
Please note that you may only carry out risk calculations for test purposes,
unless you are accredited and certified with FMF-Deutschland. The results will
be marked as "For test purposes only / for research only". The licence key for
test purposes is valid for a maximum period of 2 months. After this period,
this temporary key is no longer valid and cannot be used any more to carry
out risk calculations.
The status of examiners who can prove the validity of their certification with
FMF-UK is equivalent to that of examiners who are accredited and certified
with FMF-Deutschland, and they will receive a personalised licence key.
The program is available in German and English.
Please strictly observe all the notes enclosed with the download before
attempting any program update or carring out the initial installation.
In case you have any questions, please send an email to the audit department
of FMF-Deutschland:
We wish you lots of success with the new PRC 3.0 risk calculation program of
FMF-Deutschland and look forward to your constructive feedback.